Oct. 4th Events

All events happened Thursday, Oct. 4th 2012 unless otherwise indicated.

United States


Burbank/Glendale: 1pm meet-up re: SoCalGas smart meters are a dumb idea. Contact BurbankAction[at]aol[dot]com

Encinitas: 11 AM – 1 PM, corner of Encinitas Blvd and Hwy 101 Signs, brochures to pass out, lemonade, and cookies provided.  More info:  www.electrosmogprevention.org

Eureka: 4 to 6 p.m. PG&E Office 2555 Myrtle Avenue. Contact Beverly (707) 268-0951

Oakland: 1:30-2:30pm PG&E Office, 1919 Webster Street (2 blocks from 19th Street BART), contact: isisferal[at]yahoo[dot]com

Ojai: 12 noon Libbey Park on Main Street

San Rafael: 4-5pm PG&E Service Center  1220 Andersen Dr (at Lindaro St) 94901

Sacramento: Stop Smart Meters! Sacramento 5:45pm SMUD 6201 S Street Boardroom Auditorium Contact: e.windheim[at]comcast[dot]net

Santa Ana:  Stop OC Smart Meters! 4PM to 5:30PM SCE Building, 1325 South Grand Avenue (Corner of McFadden and Grand) Contact info[at]StopOCSmartMeters[dot]com

Santa Cruz: 5pm Clock Tower Water & Pacific Contact: joshuahart[at]baymoon[dot]com

Seal Beach: 4pm Leisure World, Seal Beach Blvd. Contact dharlow50[at]aol[dot]com

Sebastopol: 12 to 1pm Downtown at 116 and Bodega Ave. EMFSafe[at]sonic[dot]net


Fountain: 5pm City Hall Colorado Citizens Smart Meter Awareness  dcouch[at]q[dot]com

Fort Collins: 1-4pm Corner of College and Mulberry Contact: cfarv[at]hotmail[dot]com


Florida Coalition for Health Against Smart Meters

Fort Pierce, St. Lucie County: 9-Noon 2300 Virginia Ave. cjmoler[at]bellsouth[dot]net

Port Orange, Volusia County: Spruce Creek Patriots  Clyde Morris Blvd. and Dunlawton Ave. between 4- 6 PM Info: sprucecreekpatriots[at]gmail[dot]com


Stop Smart Meters! Hawaii  Community Outreach Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012 TIme: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Location: Ka’ahumanu Center, Kahului, Maui, Hawaii debra[at]StopSmartMetersHawaii[dot]com


Naperville Smart Meter Awareness Take Back Your Power: People Over Profits Rally
11:30-1:00  Downtown Naperville Corner of Washington St. and Chicago Ave. (In front of Barnes & Noble)   X-tra: Wear a safety yellow shirt. Signs, “power” bars and fliers will be provided. Come prepared to have fun and empower others to take back their power!


Hallowell: Maine Smart Meter Safety Coalition Press Conference/ Protest 10-11am at the PUC building, 101 Second St., Hallowell, ME 04347   Bring a sign with  “Recall Smart Meters,” or “Our Property + Our Health + Our Privacy DON’T BELONG TO PUC/CMP” or  “PUC CHARGES FOR NOTHING = UNFAIR”, Contact Ed at edfomb[at]comcast[dot]net to register or Dianne at dnwilkins[at]aol[dot]com for more info.


Maryland Smart Meter Awareness– see Washington DC protest details below




Detroit: W4AR Rally at DTE Energy 12-2pm, One Energy Plaza, Detroit MI 48226
Contact: Pauline or John Holeton at (586) 731-3314


Carson City: PUCN Hearing regarding opt out fees 10am Oct. 3rd

Las Vegas: PUCN Hearing regarding opt out fees 10am Oct. 3rd

Reno:  DEMONSTRATION Against FORCED Smart Meters 6500 Block of South Virginia Street, Reno, Nevada, September 29th at 11am NoSmartMetersNV[at]gmail[dot]com

New York

Contact Deborah Kopald at deborah_kopald[at]ymail[dot]com

New Yorkers please call Attorney General Eric Schneiderman 212-416-8050 Today and Tomorrow! Tell him we want an investigation in to the forced installation of dangerous AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) and “smart” digital electric, water and gas utility meters.  Ask him to investigate the safety and health dangers of these new meters.  Tell him that these meters violate our right to privacy.  Tell him we want these meters removed from our homes immediately! More info mihertz[at]optonline[dot]net


Cleveland:  7:00 PM, P J McIntyre Irish Pub, 17119 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44111 Note:  We meet in the reserved party room downstairs.  Jim Babka of DownsizeDC.org will speak at  7:00 P.M.  DownsizeDC.org’s mission is to foster human progress by reducing State coercion.   Following Jim’s speech, there will be an update and open mike discussion regarding local effort to opt-out of smart meters.  More info here.


Mifflin County: Mifflin County Tea Party Patriots – Lisa Nancollas 717-437-1327


We The People Are The 9-12 Association, Inc 


Rutland: Vermont Stop Smart Meters! 11am meet downtown at Depot Park demonstration with signs and posters contact maribell[at]sover[dot]net

Washington DC

Center for Safer Wireless/ Maryland Smart Meter Awareness 10:00 am Oct. 4th GridWeek conference outside the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, 801 Mount Vernon Place N.W., Washington, DC 20001 Contact: choch[at]centerforsaferwireless[dot]org


Madison: More info here.


British Columbia

Victoria (details tba)

Sidney (details tba)

Nanaimo (details tba)

Shuswap/ Okanagan/ Kelowna converging protests-  WEAR RED!  Contact: msingerad[at]gmail[dot]com  Meet at 12:30 at Salmon Arm Honda. Poster available here.


October 4th 2012: Quebec joins forces with the United States
to fight against smart meters!

In order to support this big effort, our local and provincial groups of citizens against smart meters in Quebec wish to disclose their main events which will take place during the month of October, the month during which the Board of Energy will announce its decision.Already, 15 537 citizens have signed a petition expressing their opposition to these meters and this number is expected to grow.
Main events:
Distribution of flyers in Laval, Montreal and Quebec city on the 4th, 7th and 13th of October 2012
Film projection “Les Sacrifiés des Ondes”
October 13th 2012 – 10h30 – Quebec city
4635 1ère avenueQuébec (Qc) G1H 2T1
Public information sessions:
-October 23rd 2012 – 19h30 – Laval
1961 rue d’Ivry Laval (Qc) H7G 1S9
-October 29th 2012 – 19h00 – Montreal
777 Saint-RochMontréal (Qc) H3N 2X2
– 30 –
For informations:
·Laval Refuse–Francine Lajoie/Véronique Riopel
http://lavalrefuse.wordpress.com   lavalrefuse[at]hotmail[dot]com
·Québec Refuse – Dominique Brillon
http://quebecrefuse.wordpress.com    quebecrefuse[at]gmail[dot]com
·Parc Extension Refuse – Katina Virlas
·Villeray Refuse – Marie-Michelle Poisson
http://villerayrefuse.wordpress.com          villerayrefuse[at]gmail[dot]com

2 thoughts on “Oct. 4th Events

  1. Anybody out there besides me, that is outraged about smart meters. I’m in Cincinnati Ohio. If so leave contact number… Everybody that I talk to is clueless….

  2. Julie,
    People I speak to about smart meters are not educated in the health problems involved and use of taxpayer money to install these “smart meters.” I wasn’t aware myself until I heard Dr. Debra Greene speak and get on her email list.
    Do you have a group that I can join? I’ve written our senators about this issue as well as many others. But being out there with signs would bring attention to the issue.

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